Euler Hermes: Export Financing Conference in Indonesia 2023
In collaboration with Germany's export credit agency Euler Hermes and Switzerland's SERV, OeKB has orchestrated an export financing conference in Jakarta with the objective of enhancing business prospects for companies hailing from the D-A-CH region (comprising Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) within the Indonesian market.
The event was held at Ayana Midplaza Jakarta. 200 attendees were present and interacted throughout the sessions. Led by Yvonne Pusch, CFO of Schweizerische Exportrisikoversicherung, the conference began at 10 AM, followed by coffee break, and ended with networking lunch. Maxchat attended this event for networking and looking for partnership opportunities in the future.

Indonesia is an extraordinary match for German-speaking countries to build a relation with because of its 5% potential GDP growth from 2023. Germany’s imports from Indonesia were US$5.79 Billion during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade (
It is important for company to provide a long-term service and increase intellectual labor. Professional workers are frequently productive, motivated, and perform at a high level. They are well-liked by coworkers and clients. Therefore, they might advance to leadership positions.

A tip from a well-known German IT company: by combining real and digital worlds, we can empower customers to master their digital transformation and sustainability challenges. Based on the insight, Maxchat provides the most efficient solution for every company with the products (WhatsApp API and CRM Omnichannel). In order to maximize the business, Maxchat launches the newest services: SMS and email blasting.